2+ArchDaily natječajni rad S*PARK objavljen je na ArchDailyju http://www.archdaily.com/124415/belgrade-centre-for-promotion-of-science-dva-plus/
Spanning between research and appropriation, fiction and science, Belgrade Centre for Promotion of Science will be permanent testing ground that keeps in touch with an accelerating world of science and technology. The basic response to the design brief of making “a landmark to be put on postcards” was to “reach for the sky” and test a new typology in the field of science centres around the globe – to test the sky-scraping dimension. Since there is no similar institution in the countries of the region, or of this vertical typology in the world, the Centre for Promotion of Science will be a worldly-wise attraction, promoting Belgrade as a modern and exciting European city. Besides fulfilling the landmark task, the S-PARK* Centre is a reflection of its content - the live thrilling, intriguing, enigmatic, above all interesting and fun – Science - boxed into “Cabinets of Wonders” with unique architectural qualities and smart technological installations and sustainable principles. Its architecture, distilled from the “high modernist fervour” in the altitude of approximately 40-storey high tower, is a simple articulation of primary geometric forms, which aim to create a new context and new urban symbols, in seeking to re-invent architectural contemporaneity in Serbia.